So how bad is the weather?

‘So how bad is the weather?’, you ask.
Well actually, so far, not too shabby at all.
During our first few days on the Isle of Skye we have been greeted by quite mild, dry weather. The days are a cool 6 or 7 degrees max and the nights drop down to 2 or 3. Amazingly so far the days have been wind free with only an occasional shower of light rain.
If you are looking for nightlife, action and excitement then Skye is not your preferred holiday destination. If you are looking to walk and enjoy the glorious scenery, then the island offers seemingly endless possibilities.
Rugged hills, steep cliffs, iconic lochs and wild seas are the expected scenery in this part of the world. The discovery of a tranquil sandy beach was somewhat of a surprise. Coral Beach is known locally as a ‘wee gem’. Although called Coral Beach the sand is actually made from fossilised and sun bleached algae or as one person described it ‘white coral-like crushed seaweed’.
During a two-hour return walk we see only one other person and their dog. We walk down a long peninsula, to the beach and then out to the headland. We are fortunate that the tide is low and as we approach the exposed coral beach we encounter one of Skye’s most precious weather events – sunshine. At midday our shadows stretch in front of us, as the sun never climbs very high in the southern sky.
Hats, gloves, jackets and a range of wet weather gear were part of our preparation. Sunglasses were packed more for nostalgia than need, but today became an essential part of our hiker’s kit. This weather is an unusual treat at any time on Skye, so for today at least, we’re walking on sunshine.


  1. What beautiful scenery...
    Temperatures are similar to Woolbrook in winter!


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